Queering Audibility (with Eyk Kauly)


11 April 2024 / 20:00Lettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21
Deutsch / English / DGS (mit Dolmetschung)

Queering Audibility is a collaboration between deaf performance artist Eyk Kauly and the hearing sound artists HYENAZ. Together they explore how artists can use the entirety of their physical and affective sensorium to create new works and to challenge the conditions through which audibility comes into being.

In this open rehearsal, the audience is invited to engage with the following questions: How does embodied performance and sign language inspire the creation of soundscapes? How does sound translate – with the help of sign language interpreters – into bodily experiences? Can sounding performance and performing sound help (re)imagine the perceived binary of Deaf and hearing, or other binaries? How are those bound to hearing, being heard and what does queering mean in the context of this audibility?

HYENAZ would like thank the Imaginando who donated VS (Visual Synthesizer) to the project. VS is an exciting tool that can create visuals from audio or midi signals. You can learn more about VS here: https://www.imaginando.pt/products/vs-visual-synthesizer


Concept and Performance: HYENAZ / Eyk Kauly
Curation: Antkek Engel, iQt Berlin
With Support from Franziska Winkler, Handverlesen, Aktion Mensch and iQt